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Millions Spent By CA Unions to 'micro-target' potential Brown backers

Embassy Suites Hotel Workers Wildcat in Irvine, Southern California

In Mott's Strike, More Than Paychecks at Stake

Corporations, UAW call for revote on wage cut at Indianapolis GM plant-UAW International: High Paid Shills For GM

Unions Win Round in 2003 California UFCW Grocery Strike Against Union Busting Plan In LA Strike

Kaiser charged with criminal breach of federal labor law-Intervening In Election For Representation

NY Demo Assembly Speaker Sheldon Silver's firm gets cut of 9/11-suit payouts "Spinning the 9/11 lawsuits into gold"

Disneyland worker, barred from wearing hijab scarf as restaurant hostess, files federal complaint

Wal-Mart Behind Repression In Bangladesh-21 Arrested in Bangladesh After Protests Over Pay

CNA Nurses Accuse San Francisco Sutter St. Luke's of Discriminating Against Filipinos

USW and UAW Jointly Condemn Violent Attack of Workers at Johnson Controls Plant in Mexico

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